
Figs in Summer is a memory of growing up in Corona, Queens. My parents migrated from Sicily, and with them, came their food and culture. Always feeling we (my three sisters and I) were the weird kids, never boxed mac and cheese or fast food for us. We were so fortunate to be exposed to food that most in children New York City had never seen… including a fig tree in my backyard.

I had an idea to begin collecting recipes from my mother, to share with the rest of my sisters. That idea evolved into this blog. The dishes here are directly from or inspired by food I grew up with.


Who we are

Emanuela Bazan
Editor-n-Chef / Food Stylist

There’s never a boring meal with Emma, it’s in her blood. An Illustrator/Makeup Artist, her artistic vision is in everything she touches, including her cooking. Emma started Figs in Summer as a way to keep family recipes alive and as an excuse to be able to tell everyone what to do.


Kris Chu
Photographer / Designer / Dishwasher

Spending hours during the day working photos and looking at copy for advertising, Kris needed a project where he could just step away from it all. So now at night, he spends hours, working on photos and copy… for us! You can see more of Kris’s work at krischews.com



Giuseppina Bazan
Contributing Cook

A vet by profession, Jo can gut a fish with surgical precision… we assume.


Angela Bazan
Contributing Cook

The youngest and the only actual trained and working cook, Angela tries to push us from “the way it is” to “the way it should be”…we usually ignore her.


About_mama_v1Mama Bazan

The inspiration behind Figs in Summer. Though she probably has no idea what this actually is, she gladly joins us in the test kitchen to build the recipes.